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Easy working with units and amounts; no more weird conversion or hard-to-trace bugs

The Basics

Working with Amounts is easy and should be self explanatory:

var myWeight = new Amount(70, MassUnits.KiloGram);
var myWeightOnTheMoon = myWeight * 0.65;
Console.WriteLine(myWeightOnTheMoon); // 45.5 Kg
Console.WriteLine(myWeightOnTheMoon == new Amount(45.5, MassUnits.KiloGram)); // True

Amounts can be used as would be expected:


var weightOfCar = new Amount(2000, MassUnits.KiloGram);
var weightOfTruck = new Amount(10000, MassUnits.KiloGram);
Console.WriteLine(weightOfCar < weightOfTruck); // true

All operators are supported: <, <=, ==, >=, >, !=


var length1 = new Amount(3, LengthUnits.Meter);
var length2 = new Amount(7, LengthUnits.Meter);
Console.WriteLine(length1 + length2); // 10 m

All operators are supported: /, *, +, -

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